Darklord's Cat : S1 | EP4
Darklord's Cat : S1 | EP4
Uncovering the Tower

Naomi darted out of Lucien’s study like a shadow, her sleek black fur blending into the dimly lit corridors of the tower. The dark stone walls, illuminated by flickering torchlight, stretched endlessly before her. There was an eerie stillness in the air. It broken only by the occasional creak or groan of the ancient structure settling.
Lucien followed behind her at a leisurely pace, looking as if he’d rather be anywhere else. “You know, I don’t really leave my study much,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s peaceful in there.”
Naomi’s ears twitched in annoyance. “Yeah, peaceful and completely oblivious to everything happening around you,” she thought, though all that came out was a faint “meow.” She was on a mission now, determined to figure out why the servants were so terrified of him—and why this supposedly grand Dark Lord had such a disheveled, unguarded tower.
As they descended deeper into the structure, Naomi’s heightened senses began to pick up on small details. The smell of damp stone and dust was strong, but there were other scents too—faint traces of magic, old and fading. There was something more to this place than Lucien let on. She needed to explore further.
As they reached the lower levels, a group of goblins scurried past, carrying crates and tools. They glanced nervously at Lucien, bowing hastily before continuing their work. Naomi paused, watching them, her curiosity piqued. She focused her thoughts, attempting to tap into her telepathy again.
“Hey, you,” she projected toward one of the goblins. “What’s going on down here?”
The goblin froze, glancing around in confusion. “Who said that?”
Naomi remained hidden in the shadows, trying to suppress her growing excitement. “Just answer the question.”
The goblin swallowed nervously. “We’re preparing... for the next phase.”
Naomi’s eyes narrowed. “What phase?”
The goblin’s expression grew even more panicked. “The Master's orders... to fortify the defenses. We don't know much. We just follow orders.”
Naomi’s mind raced. She hadn’t seen Lucien give any orders about defenses, and judging by his disinterest in anything besides potion brewing, it was hard to believe he even knew about these preparations. Was someone else pulling the strings?
She decided to investigate further. She padded along the corridor, staying close to the walls as Lucien followed, oblivious to her growing tension. They came to a large, reinforced door at the end of the hallway. Naomi pawed at it, hoping it would open easily, but it remained firmly shut.
Lucien glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow. “What’s got you so interested in this door?”
Naomi sat back, tilting her head toward it. “Aren’t you even curious? This is your tower, right?”
Lucien sighed and lazily waved his hand. The door swung open with a creak, revealing a vast chamber beyond. Naomi’s eyes widened as she stepped inside, Lucien trailing behind her.
The room was filled with strange magical artifacts—ancient-looking scrolls, glowing orbs, and stone tablets covered in indecipherable runes. At the far end of the room was a large, ornate mirror, its surface rippling like water. Naomi’s fur stood on end. There was something off about this place—something powerful and dangerous.
Lucien barely glanced at the artifacts, instead heading straight for a dusty old armchair in the corner and sitting down. “Ah, the old archives. I haven’t been here in ages.”
Naomi stared at him in disbelief. “Seriously? This place is like a treasure trove of dark magic, and you’re acting like it’s your personal reading nook?”
She circled the room, inspecting the various objects, her feline senses on high alert. There was definitely something important here—something Lucien either didn’t understand or was completely ignoring. Her gaze landed on the mirror. Unlike the other artifacts, it seemed active, as if it was waiting for something.
Naomi padded closer, feeling a strange pull from it. Her reflection shimmered in the surface, distorting slightly before snapping back to normal. She blinked, confused. Was this some kind of scrying mirror?
Before she could investigate further, a voice echoed through the chamber, low and unsettling.
“Who dares disturb the archives?”
Naomi’s fur stood on end as she spun around, her eyes darting around the room for the source of the voice. Lucien, however, barely reacted. He glanced up lazily, waving a hand dismissively.
“Oh, that’s just the guardian spirit of the archives,” he said with a yawn. “It’s harmless. Mostly.”
Naomi’s eyes widened. “Mostly?!”
The voice growled, its tone darkening. “I said, Who dares disturb the archives?”
Lucien sighed, finally sitting up in his chair. “Relax, it’s just me. Lucien, remember? You’ve been here for hundreds of years. I’m technically your boss.”
The voice grumbled, but the tension in the room eased. Naomi couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Lucien had an ancient, powerful guardian spirit in his archives, and he treated it like a mildly annoying roommate.
“Unbelievable,” she thought, shaking her head. “This guy’s sitting on a goldmine of power and doesn’t even realize it.”
As the tension faded, Naomi felt a surge of determination. She wasn’t sure what secrets were hidden in this tower, but she was going to uncover them. And if Lucien wasn’t going to step up as the Dark Lord, she’d have to do it for him.